
BUTTERFLY Tackifire Special Soft

BUTTERFLY Tackifire Special Soft
Переглядів: 3580 Модель: Rubbers_BTF_Tack_Spec_Soft
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика
In 1999 Butterfly presented a new rubber TACKIFIRE SPECIAL. The Number One of China, Kong Linghui, has developed this extraordinary rubber in close co-operation with Research Department in Tokyo. At that time Butterfly Company's reaserchers did not know that it would become the rubber of the Olympic Champion 2000. They did not know, either, that this rubber, combining Chinese playing culture of Kong Linghui and Butterfly's top rubber technology of Japan, became such a big success in the short time at the worlds market. Butterfly could have only hoped it but not have anticipated it. Only a few rubbers make such a start.

But, the reason is clear: Tackifire SPECIAL is really an extraordinary rubber with playing effects not matched by others up to now and has premium quality which many of the China made rubbers fail to satisfy. The extremely tacky surface combined with the relatively hard sponge gives the ball a maximum of spin and really fantastic dynamics without loosing any precision and control. This rubber is recommended for players making short arm movements and a very accentuated wrist action near the table.

For players preferring an offensive system by spinning mainly from the mid distance Butterfly has developed the new TACKFIRE SPECIAL SOFT. With the same tacky surface but with a 20% softer sponge. This new combination produces very fine feeling and is ideal for fresh gluing players. Offensive and all round players looking for a maximum of spin, a lot of control and precision and last but not least for splendid feeling will be fascinated by the new TACKIFIRE SPECIAL SOFT.

Made in Japan.

Speed: 85
Spin: 110
Control: 80

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