
AIR Scirocco 36 (37 degrees)

AIR Scirocco 36 (37 degrees)
Переглядів: 6703 Модель: Rubbers_Air_Scirocco_36_37
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика

Air is proud to introduce its premier rubber, the Scirocco.

SF uses “the GREEN” technology, featuring an incredible new sponge that maintains its speed with all glues, even the water-based VOC-free glue.

The SF is a not only spin rubber but also a speed rubber. It is very bouncy and gives a tremendous catapult effect. It is excellent for top spinning, looping, and counter looping. When you play with Illumina, you will found it's more comfortable, more feeling. And even the softest 33 degree sponge will give you the speed you need. We suggest you to use a medium or soft blade with Illumina to get the best playing effect. Now that it's the water glue period, the Illumina is the best choice for water glue, without any need for speed glue.


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