

-21% GIANT DRAGON Giant Long
Переглядів: 7275 Модель: Rubbers_GDragon_Giant_Long
Наявність: Out Of Stock
308.00грн. 244.00грн.
Кількість: До кошика

Giant Long is the best choice for defensive players wanting to impart heavy backspin with deception. It features a knuckle ball effect. Also for attacking players who require a great variety of spin rotations. Giant Longs unique shaped pimple conforms to ITTF regulations.

The aspect ratio of this long pimples rubber is within ITTF regulations, whilst, Giant Dragon has formulated pimples whose shape and hardness react to the oncoming ball in an adequate extent. GIANT LONG is the best choice for attacking players who require a wide range of spin variation; defensive player who need impart heavy backspin to the ball. It is feature of a unique "knuckle ball" effect on shots, as well as producing effective speed for offensive shots.

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