
GIANT DRAGON Kung Fu 7 star Table Tennis Bat

GIANT DRAGON Kung Fu 7 star Table Tennis Bat
Переглядів: 6307 Модель: Bats_GDragon_Kung_Fu
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика
For a highly skilled club player who demands the very best in spin and speed.
  • professional hard plywood;
  • 2mm white and blue sponge ITTF approved rubbers;
  • with CDV (Cork Deacrease Vibration) a player can exactly feel the rhythm of the vibration when the ball hits on the bat, so the player can get the perfect control and ball feeling.
  • ITTF approved Max Spin and Ex Spin pimple in rubbers.

    Speed: 20
    Spin: 20
    Control: 15

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