
YINHE (Galaxy) 01B – Table Tennis Bat

-3% YINHE (Galaxy) 01B – Table Tennis Bat
Переглядів: 6499 Модель: YINHE (Galaxy) 01B
Наявність: Out Of Stock
432.00грн. 420.00грн.
Кількість: До кошика

The bat YINHE (Galaxy) 01B is one of the best models amongst inexpensive rackets.

It is fast in attacking play and at the same time with a great control in defense.  YINHE (Galaxy) 01B is made on one hundred percent from professional components. The rubbers Jupiter and Moon are especially selected for providing versatile play.

One more advantage of YINHE (Galaxy) 01B is that it sells with a case together. In a racket YINHE (Galaxy) 01B a perfect combination of price and quality is guaranteed.  

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